Monday, September 6, 2010

My Labor Day Rant....

In response to the New York Times Op-Ed article by Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under President Clinton, I have a few thoughts:

I enthusiastically disagree with nearly every statement made by Reich here. Hope doesn't hire. Lower taxes do. We're in this labor crisis because job creators have been penalized. We need pro-growth tax policies enabling employers (like myself) to hire more, increase our employees' wages, expand, purchase capital and grow our businesses, etc -- thus helping the overall economy. When my employees have more money, they spend it on their homes, they take vacations, spend it on goods & services, etc.

How dare Reich blame the 'rich' for this crisis. Obama & the Dems have done NOTHING to help get us out of this economic mess.

Pro-growth tax policies are needed now. Obama's current economic policies have failed. We all see that. Thankfully, Obama is now listening to reason. Impeccable timing.

Let's look at history. Reaganomics reduced inflation & helped launch the US into years of job creation & investment. Reagan's plan worked -- and so did millions of Americans because of it. I unashamedly declare that I love, love Reagan. He is a household name. My kids will study him and his policies --which literally saved us from nuclear war.

I am keenly aware of the 'downfalls' of Reaganomics/supply side & trickle down (as presented by the libs). We were funding the Cold War, along with additional pork barrel spending by the Dem Congress -- thus creating a HUGE deficit. Had Reagan vetoed those budgets, he would have lost funding for the national defense needed to win the Cold War. Reagan admitted his remorse over this new debt: His 'greatest' disappointment. I have a well-worn copy of my Reagan Diaries sitting here next to me.

I will not engage in a debate about Reagan, nor his economic policies. I'm not a historian nor an economist. I'm a tax-paying business owner.

I know what we pay in taxes, regulations & red tape. I will gladly debate taxes with someone who pays what I do each quarter. I owe a HUGE tax payment on Sept. 15, as in every quarter. I speak from experience -- not just theory.

The question libs like to ask conservatives is this: Why didn't we complain when Bush was president?

Bush, in true big-spending Republican form -- did nothing but add to this deficit. The Repub-controlled Congress & Bush helped to create this fiasco. They took carte blanche to spend, spend, spend us into oblivion.

Let's stop the madness. The federal government is TOO big, grasping at TOO MUCH power (Obamacare, Arizona, etc.) I am anti big govt, tax & spend, under ANY administration. I find it repulsive.

Obama needs to adjust his economic policies if he has any inclination to run for a second term. Most Americans are not stupid. November will be a good indicator of how voting Americans feel about unemployment, govt control & spending. Plus, we need balance. Nothing good happens when one party controls both Houses & the White House.

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