Saturday, September 25, 2010

Anna's 'Favorite Place' rough draft....

When I need to find solitude from my fanatically crazy life, I head straight to the piano. Once I am seated on my piano bench and I start to play, calmness spreads throughout my body from the tips of my fingers to the bottoms of my toes. Playing the piano is one of the most important ways I get in touch with God. Going a whole day without laying a hand on the piano, I feel separated from the Lord. I love music, and I always want to be around it. If I don’t take a few minutes here and there, I feel uninspired, as if my life-cup is not filled up completely. The piano is like a vehicle, taking me to an undisturbed place where I can praise the Lord wholeheartedly. Quietly playing though my favorite worship songs opens my heart and lets my Heavenly Father’s peace come flowing in and quenches my thirst for Him. Music is one of my greatest loves. Playing the piano is like breathing. If I did not breathe, I would most likely die from lack of oxygen. Without my piano, I would probably become insane from lack of music. When I eagerly settle myself in front of my favorite instrument, my heart suddenly feels as if I could fly to the moon and back. I can do anything. I love challenging myself to play more complex music. If I cannot figure out how to play a certain song, I practice it over and over again, trying to master it. Once I have accomplished my mission, I feel powerful. Knowing that you can play any of the eighty-eight keys, in any order you would like, and make whatever sound you want, gives you an unmatched sense of freedom. I feel like I’m soaring jubilantly through the clouds with no one to distract me, and I find the Lord up there with me. Sitting at my piano, I encounter the tranquility that God bestows and nothing can ever tear that away from me. 

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